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ACRiSL Sixth Network Event - Exploring ‘Wins’ in Child Rights Strategic Litigation

The Advancing Child Rights Strategic Litigation Project (ACRiSL) held its sixth network event at 16:00 – 17:30 UK time (GMT) on 28 March 2023. The event was on the topic of Exploring ‘Wins’ in Child Rights Strategic Litigation.

The event consisted of a panel discussion in which we heard from a range of experts who have worked on child rights strategic litigation in different national and legal contexts. They explored the following questions:

  • What is a ‘win’ in child rights strategic litigation? How do we define it? How might our understanding of what constitutes a ‘win’ in a particular case change over the short, middle and long-term?

  • What kinds of orders/remedies contribute to effective ‘wins’ in CRSL?

  • How do we account for cases that lose in court but succeed in bringing about the desired legal or social change in practice?

The speakers focused on the opportunities and challenges they have experienced in terms of their work around ‘wins’ (and otherwise) in child rights strategic litigation. They highlighted some of the key issues and lessons that can be drawn from those experiences, both in terms of litigation strategy and advocacy more broadly.

The presentations were followed by a Q&A/discussion with event participants. Speakers included:

Follow this link to watch the video recording of the event.

March 3

Webinar: ‘Putting Strategic Litigation into Action for NHRIs’

December 10

ACRiSL Seventh Network Event - Child Rights Strategic Litigation: The politics of settlement