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ACRiSL International online workshop: ‘Climate Justice in the Global South: Potentials and Visions for Child Rights Strategic Litigation’

The European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR), as part of the ACRiSL project, hosted on January 18 and 19, 2022 a closed international online workshop: “Climate Justice in the Global South: Potentials and Visions for Child Rights Strategic Litigation”. It brought together about 20 litigators, NGO representatives and academics, and included youth activists. The goal of the workshop was to advance and strategize on the potentials of child rights strategic litigation regarding climate justice issues as they unfold in the Global South, to foster new perspectives, and open new paths for transnational collaborative lawyering regarding Global South litigation. The participants engaged on different angles: the relevance and challenges of child rights strategic litigation to climate justice in the Global South; youth participation to legal efforts and their empowerment; and visions for future legal interventions. ECCHR was keen for the workshop to bring about a genuine exchange of lessons learned, critical approaches to law and to litigation experiences, and a discussion on future possibilities and the potentials of transnational collaborative lawyering.

December 7

ACRiSL Second Network Event - ‘Overcoming the Challenge of standing in Child Rights Strategic Litigation (CRSL) – Mechanisms and Strategies’

April 5

ACRiSL Third Network Event - ‘Engaging with Children and Young People in Child Rights Strategic Litigation (CRSL)’