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ACRiSL Fifth Network Event - ‘Opportunities for UNCRC-based argumentation in Child Rights Strategic Litigation’

The Advancing Child Rights Strategic Litigation Project (ACRiSL) held its fifth network event on 12 December 2022 at 15:00 – 16:30 UK time (GMT). It was on the topic of Opportunities for UNCRC-based argumentation in Child Rights Strategic Litigation.  

 The event consisted of two parts. The first part (50 mins) was a public panel discussion in which we heard from a range of experts who have worked on child rights strategic litigation in different national and legal contexts. The speakers focused on the opportunities and challenges they have experienced in terms of bringing legal argumentation based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Children before national courts. They highlighted some of the key issues and lessons that can be drawn from those experiences, both in terms of litigation strategy and advocacy more broadly. 

The presentations were followed by a Q&A/discussion with event participants. Speakers included: 

Network members joined the second part of the event. This was a 40-minute private, closed session where we discussed opportunities and challenges faced by CRSL practitioners with regard to using the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in legal argumentation before courts. The aim was to share experience and discuss strategies in this regard. 

Follow this link to watch the video recording of the event.

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ACRiSL Fourth Network Event - 'Advancing Child Rights-Consistent Strategic Litigation Practice' Report Launch

January 19

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