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ACRiSL Workshop: ‘Child Rights-based Argumentation in Climate Justice Litigation’

The Advancing Child Rights Strategic Litigation Project (ACRiSL) held the event ‘Child Rights-based Argumentation in Climate Justice Litigation’ on 19 January 2023.

The aim of the event was to enable litigators and academics to share ideas about particular challenges arising in relation to legal argumentation in child rights climate justice cases, with these ideas being addressed in short research briefs by academic experts to be produced under the auspices of the ACRiSL project over the coming months in order to support litigation of these issues in future cases.

The event focused on two challenges: (1) the relationship between children’s rights and future generations, and (2) age/birth cohort discrimination. An hour was devoted to each topic, with the discussion being kicked off by presentations from two litigators followed by inputs from academics and by a general discussion. In order to facilitate open exchange, the event was held under the Chatham House Rule.


December 12

ACRiSL Fifth Network Event - ‘Opportunities for UNCRC-based argumentation in Child Rights Strategic Litigation’

March 3

Webinar: ‘Putting Strategic Litigation into Action for NHRIs’