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Expert Conversation on Climate Change Litigation and Children's Rights

On 17 March 2021, practitioners and academics working on climate change litigation and child rights strategic litigation participated in an online workshop to discuss the practice of climate change litigators and their engagement with child rights standards. The workshop, which was organised and led by Professor Aoife Nolan and Shauneen Lambe, involved 18 key stakeholders working on this topic from the Americas, Africa, Europe and Asia. These included ACRiSL partners CRIN, ECCHR and CCL and ACRiSL advisor, Tessa Khan (Uplift).

The objective of the event was to have a conversation focused on climate change litigation practice and children’s rights, seeking to address three sets of questions. First, what are climate change litigators’ understandings of children’s rights and how can these be guaranteed in the practice of climate change litigation? Second, what challenges and opportunities have climate change litigators experienced in integrating a child rights approach into their work? Third, what support would be useful to climate change litigators in order to strengthen the child rights component of their practice? 

May 4

ACRiSL Workshop: ‘Migration-related Detention of Children and Strategic Litigation’