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ACRiSL Workshop: ‘Migration-related Detention of Children and Strategic Litigation’

On 4 and 5 May 2021, the ACRiSL project hosted a workshop on migration-related detention of children and strategic litigation. Organised by the follow-up programme of UN Global Study of Children Deprived of Liberty at the Global Campus of Human Rights, the workshop included litigators and other legal practitioners, ACRiSL project members, and members of UN and Council of Europe treaty monitoring bodies. Participants explored the following ‘guiding questions’:

  • What are the systemic issues (at the global, regional and national levels) concerning children’s migration detention that child rights strategic litigation (CRSL) might contribute to challenging/remedying?

  • Which forms of CRSL would be most appropriate/effective in terms of addressing migration detention-related systemic issues in specific countries?

  • How can the project most usefully contribute to existing and future efforts to use litigation to advance children’s rights in the migration detention context?

In doing so, they focused in particular on migration detention in the context of Asia and Europe.

A report on the workshop will be available after the event.

March 17

Expert Conversation on Climate Change Litigation and Children's Rights

June 17

ACRiSL Workshop: ‘How to Advance Child Rights Strategic Litigation: Addressing the Implementation Gap. Challenges in Spain and the situation of migrant children’